Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Notice to Abate

Let's just see how nice these windows are looking (do not note the siding- that is not as nice). Nice, beautiful energy efficient windows! We decided not to replace the windows in the enclosed porch because we have plans to make that an open porch. And now, let's note how nice the roof is looking. Looks nice, no more leaks, and a warranty for 10 years. Things are finally starting to turn around. I am a lot more excited about the beginning stages of reconstruction than looking at the hot mess of the deconstruction.
Which reminds me. We may or may not have recieved a notice to clean out our lawn. And by that I mean an actual Notice to Abate. Oops. Our lawn may also be synonomous with the neighborhood dump. Hopefully, once this dumpster comes and is loaded, our friendly neighbors will refrain from dumping their furniture and trash bags in our lawn. Cleaning up after them and footing the bill is not ideal. But, as aforementioned, a couple of hours and a couple hundred dollars will hopefully solve this problem once and for all.
Yay! This logan house is more encouraging than our Fuller transaction. I don't understand how we could have gotten preapproved for an amount but it not actually work out and why this process is so long. We are exhausted from being homeless. Not that we aren't indebted to our friends who have let us live at their house, but because we haven't slept on our luxury mattress in a month. That air mattress is not the same. If we don't get approval with a closing date by the end of this week, we are giving up with the house purchase. We'll be disappointed, but we could use that money in other ways (Logan St., a 4wd car, an iMac...) and we can just rent in Eastown. It will give us more mobility when we graduate anyway. So torn! Augh, well, I guess we'll see at the end of the week.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


I've never been so excited about stairs before! In order to understand my excitement for normal stairs, let's reflect back on what they used to look like. Steep, inclosed, and with a ridiculous landing. But I took a peak into the house yesterday to see how the structural stuff was coming along and I was very excited! We have the beam to open up our kitchen/ dining room up, our stairs installed (and cut into the floors), and the structural work finished on the bottom floor. The stairway is now opened up and the top landing isn't janky anymore! Click on our photo page for my pictures of the stairs and other structural goodies

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

SO blessed!

We are so blessed by the people who have helped us using their skills for this house. Everything we have done/ are going to do for this house have been at really good prices. Part of it is because I am a bargain rat but mostly it is because we are surrounded by good people with lots of talent. When this house is near complete, I'll probably post the excel spreadsheet I'm using to keep track of the costs. I went by the house the other day to collect the mail, and I saw the trimmed tree (which I'll post as soon as I locate my camera cord) and the builders working on the inside. I can't wait to see the stairs!

Wed: The Builders should be finishing up the structural work (about 6 days work)
Thurs: The windows that haven't been installed will be in and all exteriors should be finished.
Mon: The roofer will start the new roof.
Tues: The roofer will finish the new roof!

Lots of improvement in the next week- SO relieved.